An Invitation to Life!

An Invitation to Life!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Celebrating Black History Everyday...

Black History is a celebration of Life, Struggle, Determination for change, Hope, Liberation and Independance on an Economical, Social, Political and Spiritual Foundation. Our people come from an Intelligent, Beautiful, Strong, Magnificent Culture whom have managed to hold onto life against all odds.
Over the years. we have been subjected to some of the most horendous, dehumanizing inhumanity there is, but through it all we have been able to survive and sustain ourselves amidst the trials and tribulation we have faced.
The past has taught us a valuable lesson, universal awareness of self and a unified commitment to each other is vital in order to overcome the challenges that are thrust upon us as a people and to help heal and build our nation.
Although we continue to face hardships as a people, we have had some valuable leaders such as Malcolm X, Mary Bethune, Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Marcus Garvey, Angela Davis, Carter G. Woodson, and a numerous amount of other Black leaders who have carried the torch for each new generation.
As we look toward the future let us remember the journey to now and all that it entangles, let us work together to help bring about change for our nation, remember those who went before us, those working to change our present state of condition and those yet to take the reigns, for we are a nation full of hope, determination, drive and shear will to lift our people to their feet rmember, each one teach one...
(©)2012:Karen Russell...