An Invitation to Life!

An Invitation to Life!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Scrapping the Bottom of the Bowl

Many people wonder why they always seem to get the short end of the stick, always struggling to make ends meat, always hoping and praying for a mirical even though they know they have lived the best life they could, been the best person anyone would hope to be and always trying to help others in need, yet their own needs our shuffled to the back, swept under the rug, modified, ignored or just plain forgotten...
But I want to tell you today, someone has their eye on you, watching everything you do, every move you make, hear every prayer, every sigh, feel every tear and know you are a good person, their just waiting on you to recognize and realize that nothing you do is in vain, you are the perfect example of what it means to be gracious, humble, sincere and most of all He knows your heart better than you...
So just imagine your like a bowl of oatmeal and when you get to the bottom of the bowl, what do people always do, "Scrape the bottom of the bowl," because thats when the essence of the meal is the greatest...